Thursday, November 16, 2006

My mac is sick.... and I hate this PC i'm using..

almost a month since my last post.. i knew I probably wouldn't keep up with this thing.. but i'll try again..

I switched to a mac last june.. no biggie.. I'm not a mac snob by any stretch -- they are all just tools after all, it's what you do with them that's important ;) However, my hard drive went bad on the mac and I have to send it in to get repaired (yes, macs break too.. in fact it uses the same seagate hard drive that probably exists in millions of PC laptops..) In the interim, i am using a brand new Dell Laptop..

This thing is so slow, it's not even funny.. and it's not the speed of the computer, it's all the crap that is going on underneath.. There are at least 20 layers of security checks between windows and the browser and 3rd party apps, i'm not able to get to anything online at all.. it's all at a snail's pace. All of this effort I assume is to keep spy/mal/bad/virusware out of the system.. unfortunately, it still leaks through..

Oh well.. I just have to put up with it for a week or so and i'll get my macbook back. Never thought I would get that enthused about a laptop, but the macbook is by far the nicest, most productive system I have ever used.. I take back every bad thing I ever said about macs over the years :)

This was a pretty geeky post to come back on.. I'll post something funnier tomorrow.. i promise..